Methadone Addiction: Is This Normal for Someone Coming Down From Heroin?

Question by : is this normal for someone coming down from heroin?
My 15 year old brother is coming down from heroin and its been ugly he has been shaking puking and in massive amounts of pain. He won’t go to rehab and my parents are thinking about making him go in against his will he does wan’t to quit but i guess his pride is getting in the way and he doesn’t want help and he wants to try it on his own. But is this normal i mean how he is feeling? He has also been sweating so bad it has soaked his bed i a so worried i haven’t been able to sleep yet and id on’t want to because i don’t want to lose my baby brother.

Best answer:

Answer by saynotobumparents
Phone a hospital or a doctor and ask them. You need to talk to someone qualified or who works in the detox profession. Just do a web search for heroin withdrawals. Here are some websites where you can ask someone:

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One Response to “Methadone Addiction: Is This Normal for Someone Coming Down From Heroin?”

  • Jerry:

    A previous answer follows; use what helps: Read: Beating Heroin, by Neil Beck, from your bookstore, or (enter “heroin addiction” in their searchbar) and view about addictions.

    Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind.

    85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either seek professional hypnotherapy, or has: Overcome Heroin Addiction + Cloud Nine.

    I suggest you avoid methadone, which can be harder to get off than heroin.

    Expect to feel bad for a few days, to a week. Codeine is derived from the opium poppy, as is heroin, so you could take it for a short while (see the label) if not using medications like naltrexone.

    Have things to keep you occupied (if you are capable). Google “support groups; heroin addiction”. http://dailystrength may have some, or Myspace, Yahoo, or Google groups. ~~~

    Ensure he stays well hydrated, and replace sheets with dry ones.

    Some people can overcome it unaided, and it may be worth trying. He should be alright, unless he backslides later.