Continuation of Heroin Overdoses After a Near Fatal OD?

Question by C.C.: Continuation of heroin overdoses after a near fatal OD?
I have been a heroin addict for about 10 years. I was clean for 6 months before a bad relapse where I overdosed and ended up in the hospital. It was almost fatal, I was not breathing when the paramedics arrived. I unfortunately have continued heroin use through this week but am finding that no matter the amount, I blackout, or in other words, have less serious OD’s. I come to within a short amount of time, but it is very unusual for me. Did I do some sort of serious damage to my brain or body from the near fatal overdose? Is my liver maybe damaged or is my body somehow responding differently to the shots of heroin? I am obviously going to get clean again because it is clear that my next injection of heroin could quite easily kill me, but I’m worried about irreversible damage. Has anyone ever heard of similar experiences?

Best answer:

Answer by laaur
I’ve never been involved with drugs, or known anyone who was a serious addict, however I have done my own research on the topic.

Overdoses basically mean you in took to much drugs for the body to handle and process, and at that point, your body dramatically looses the ability to fight of the drug. You are always playing with fire when you do drugs, however after an overdose, I believe your odds of dying faster are dramatically increased.

Drugs will always harm your body, regardless of what it is. However, if you become clean again you’ll be giving your body the chance to re-build itself. Your liver is obviously struggling, but as the days go by of being clean, your liver will slowly start to regain function and heal itself, maybe not completely, their may be some permanent damage but you will be okay. The body always has a way of cleaning itself up. Good luck to you.

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3 Responses to “Continuation of Heroin Overdoses After a Near Fatal OD?”

  • MSF:

    After being sober for a period and relapsing, it can make overdosing easier in the future. I’m not well educated about the physical effects of long term use, but as you mention it might be that you’re not processing it as well as you used to. Either way it’s not good.

  • barry:

    You are more likely to receive useful responses from chat rooms and forums about heroin addiction. Many former heroin users say that methadone (a synthetic heroin like opioid- diacetyl morphine – see ) is even more addictive than the natural stuff.
    Detox and rehab is a tried and true way. Google: “heroin addiction; resources; (your location)

    There are medications that may help. View

    Read: Beating Heroin, by Neil Beck, from your bookstore, or (enter “heroin addiction” in their searchbar) and view about addictions for more resources.

    Try hypnosis, as shown, and join a support group; go there when the urge to abuse it occurs.
    Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind.

    85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy, or, if not an option, has: Overcome Heroin Addiction + Cloud Nine.

    Expect to feel bad for a few days, to a week. Codeine is derived from the opium poppy, as is heroin, so you could take it for a short while (see the label) if not using medications.

    Have things to keep you occupied (if you are capable). Google “support groups; heroin addiction”. http://dailystrength may have some, or Myspace, Yahoo, or Google groups.

  • Baa Baa:

    After being on heroin for 10 years, I think you realize that just saying that you are obviously going to get clean is just talk for now. It’s not going to happen that easy and is going to be a hard road for you long term. Getting clean is just not that simple. You are going to need all the help you can get in getting and staying clean. That means a lot of rehab and would be best to do the sober living programs for a long term stay. Even then it will be a struggle to stay clean.

    Heroin addicts that OD often will go into respiratory failure. That is how they die often times when no one is around to bring them back and keep them breathing. Only medical testing will be able to determine whether or not you have done any serious damage to any vital organs. If you was serious about stopping your addiction, why didn’t you try to get help at the hospital for it rather than be discharged after you stabilized only to go back to shooting up? If you didn’t do it there, how in the world do you think it will happen now that you are back into your addiction after over dosing?

    After 10 years of using hard drugs, I would suspect that you have done some damage to your body that will be with you for the rest of your life. I know you know that it will eventually kill you but that fact really doesn’t pack much weight when you are using and deep into your addiction. If you can’t do it for yourself, then could you do it for someone else such as a loved one, a wife, a child, etc. What will it take to reach your rock bottom? If over dosing and dying for a short time didn’t do it, what will? What new low will you have to go through before you really mean it enough to do something about it?

    Don’t worry about irreversible damage right now. The body has an amazing ability to heal itself and can compensate quite well even when there are things wrong with it. Every shot you took and will take in those 10+ years could have killed you, so that really doesn’t make much of an argument for you to quit either. You have to do some real soul searching and want to become the person you once were without the drugs. You have to want it really bad if not for yourself, then for something or someone else as incentive to getting clean. You cannot do it on your own. You need help. I hope you can find it in yourself to really get clean someday.