Russia Bans Methadone in Crimea – ITAR-TASS

Russia bans methadone in Crimea – ITAR-TASS

Russia bans methadone in Crimea
Russia will ban methadone, a narcotic drug used in the treatment of drug addiction, in Crimea, Russia's Federal Drug Control Service (FSKN) chief Viktor Ivanov said on Wednesday, March 26. Methadone has become a criminal business in Ukraine. Ivanov …

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Methadone Addiction – Google News

Effectiveness of methadone treatment for heroin addiction – British Journal of Psychiatry

Effectiveness of methadone treatment for heroin addiction
British Journal of Psychiatry
… 'Injectable opioid treatment for chronic heroin addiction more cost-effective than oral methadone', and claimed that 'total cost savings of providing injectable opiate treatment for this chronic group in England could be between £29 and £59 million

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Methadone Addiction – Google News

Kicking Methadone With Johnny Winter – Pacific Standard

Kicking Methadone With Johnny Winter
Pacific Standard
Winter entered rehab over three decades ago to kick 10-plus-years of heroin addiction. But he kept drinking. And drinking. And smoking like a Texas brisket-house. Most important, he refused to give up methadone, which helped him establish an illusory …

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Methadone Addiction – Google News

Heroin Users: Not From Another Planet – Huffington Post

Heroin Users: Not From Another Planet
Huffington Post
Methadone clinics are places that people with addiction to heroin and other opiates (pain medication) come to take methadone instead of heroin. All in all, it's a pretty darn good trade, and helps thousands of human beings break free of the shackles of

Methadone Addiction – Google News

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