Methadone Effects : Methadone Blocking Effects


Methadone Effects : Methadone Blocking Effects – Methadone binds to the opioid receptors in the brain and is used as a maintenance drug because of the way that it blocks the euphoric rush of drugs like hero…


17 Responses to “Methadone Effects : Methadone Blocking Effects”


    A man who has never been addicted to opioid’s and never experienced the
    withdrawal of any opiate or opioid should just shut the fuck up about it 🙂
    by the way Dr. Expert. You can read a book written by an expert fisherman
    on how to fish, you could read millions of books on how to fish, but until
    you actually go out with a rod and some bait, you will never know how to
    fish. So until you have walked the walk in others shoes you really should
    shut the fuck up about it.

  • Elizabeth Lobo:

    I’m methadone 5mg one for four time a day. i can’t without it my life .
    like said Lwnqa5jay guy say like that is same thing i comfort one of
    painful drugs to all come off i can’t sleep,eat ,can’t walk legs aches no
    way. leave alone ! I’m doing fine take easy and go to pain clinic ,therapy
    ,care of control pain and stress in balance care of my health ok . i know
    its bad for me toxic.. eat well health good food. am i wrong ? don’t know
    why keep it for my life. i fear happened risk die?

  • TonyMon16:

    Nah i gotta disagree, with way u describd methadone detox. Its exatly the
    same, excpet some minor differences, you dont get as much anxiety coming of
    methadone and its a bit of a slow come of the withdrawl effects. The
    serious issue is , with heroin detoc you can be back to nromal within 2
    weeks-1 month as in you can work/ eat normal and sleep. With methadone it
    will take months and months before you start to feel normal, as methadone
    will destroy you hormone production unlike any other drug

  • iTzzEuphoriaaaaaa:

    I was on 45 and it took me 8 days to feel 60 mg of oxycodone …im back on
    methadone now and feelin’ great !!

  • Angel Paris-Jordan:

    @spitblueblood EXACTLY

  • mortyA2203:

    this guy is not giving good info…Forget the idea of methadone being an
    easier drug to get of than heroin your lookin at posibillity of
    heartfailure, coma. the abstinence period is often 8-12 days and its twice
    as hard as heroin that you can start to feel okey on after 4-6 days. of
    course this numbers can be different from person to person. the qamount
    your taking also makes it vary.

  • TonyMon16:

    You will have thyroid problems , adrenal issues all kinds of stuff from a
    log term methadone addiction which is rarely seen in heroin detoxs. Both
    seem to similarly effect on seretonin/dopamine production though.

  • Ray Betancourt:


  • HBCjunke:

    @4Robots thats an old myth the germans invented methadone (which is tottaly
    synthetic) in anticiation of the war disrupting opium supply lines which
    would mean no morphine or any other natural or semi-synthetic would be
    aroud to treat the massive injuries which war brings about.

  • spitblueblood:

    actually methadone withdrawal is longer and more severe… but thats the
    problem with doctors, you can only learn so much from a textbook.

  • ombrug3:

    Yeah 4 months sober and still withdrawal ….. wtf???

  • Elizabeth Velez:

    Man talk about blocking agent when I took suboxone it helped but I still
    felt the methadone. 17 days without methadone and 14 days on suboxone and
    still not feeling good but I have stamina and still get minor cramps. But
    for me its a miracle drug in that I’m not sick and getting this out of my
    system slowly but surely. I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy ride. But
    its getting better everyday even if I’m still feel the methadone effects.

  • Angel Paris-Jordan:

    methadone is WORSE TO COME OFF and the blocking effect is only present when
    you are on a high dose of methadone and are using it regularly TRUST AN

  • tpvalley:

    they would be a liability if they ran out though! I wonder? I know he
    wanted to give all soldiers D-IX, but never got round to it as war ended;
    D-IX=hydromorphone, methamphetamine and cocaine hydrochloride!! they could
    march 50 miles before collapsing!!

  • L2N1A5Jay:

    I don’t care what anybody say’s methadone is one of the most painful drugs
    to come down off of you can’t sleep eat your legs ache all the time you dry
    heave and this goes on for a long time the best thing to do is 1mg or 5mg a
    week never cold turkey!

  • gooniegunclub187:

    Wtf is he talkin bout my brother was n wd for 2 fuckin months…from
    methadone. .while on herion he would be fine n about 4 days…this guy
    needs to jump of a bridge

  • shaunsaintlove:

    im sorry you cant be so general the pain i felt getting off the H was fuck
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