Methadone Addiction: Taking 5mg of Methadone 3 Times a Day?

Question by KellyAnne: taking 5mg of methadone 3 times a day?
im taking 5mg of methadone 3 times a day to get off of vicodin. I am not taking any vicodin at all. . . just the methadone. People keep telling me how dangerous it is, but im only taking 15mg in one day, 5mg morning, 5mg afternoon and 5mg at night.

I hear so much about how dangerous it is, but really at a low does like this i should be fine, right? u guess um just asking since im new to taking it.

its used for chronic nerve pain that i have


Best answer:

Answer by Tina
GET OFF THE METHADONE. if your doctor prescribed it to you -GET OFF! my boyfriend was put on methadone to get off morphine. he has had 2 spinal fusion back surgeries to date and was addicted to morphine after both of them. he was given methadone. its not that the chemical components of methadone are so harmful to your body (that is not the case at all), the problem arises when you try to get off the methadone. I am a PA and have worked in medicine all my lift and i have NEVER seen anything worst than methadone detox/withdrawal. a percentage of people have such a difficult time getting off of it that it is easier for them to stay on it for the rest of their lives. Vicodin would be much easier to ween yourself off of and titrate down if you are under the care of a physician and he is monitoring you closely.

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Methadone Addiction: Fergie’s Next Chapter Interview with Oprah!

New Fergie interview with Oprah 2012! – Subscribe Now! – Like Us! – Follow Us! Oprah has had some major star power on her Next Chapter show this year—everyone, from Rihanna to Usher to Carrie Underwood, has revealed personal information about their love lives and careers, and now, Fergie is the latest celeb being put in the hot seat. Lady O tackles the tough topics, like Fergie’s addiction to crystal meth and rumors of her husband Josh Duhamel cheating! Take a look. Now, I certainly want to know what the future holds for The Black Eyed Peas and if we can expect to have any new music any time soon, but I want to know if YOU’LL be tuning in to watch? Which part of the interview are YOU most excited for? Tell me all your thoughts below, and make sure to tune into Oprah’s Next Chapter with Fergie on Sunday, October 21st, at 9/8 central only on OWN. Also, make sure you’re a ClevverNews subscriber—it’s the best and easiest way to keep up with entertainment news that YOU need to know about. Hosted, Produced, and Written By: Deidre Behar Deidre’s wardrobe provided by: Bull Couture, Thousand Oaks, CA
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Related Methadone Addiction Information…

19 Responses to “Methadone Addiction: Taking 5mg of Methadone 3 Times a Day?”

  • Pangolin:

    Methadone is long acting and needs to be taken only once a day, under a doctor’s supervision. Too much of it, and you’ll stop breathing and die.

    It’s a big step up from Vicodin, which isn’t much of a painkiller at all.

    You REALLY need to be under the care of a physician for this, and follow your instructions exactly.

  • Lexa:

    NOTHING works for nerve pain really… and you’re just switching habits.
    You need to go cold turkey off the vicoden — once you are on Methadone, you are on it FOR LIFE.
    You’ll NEVER get off methadone. As time goes on, you’ll need higher and higher doses, because your body gains a tolerance to it, like any other opiate.

  • cravethecaptain:

    who cares? im gonna unsubscribe.?

  • cravethecaptain:

    horrid guests.? pathetic.

  • 23firestorm:

    Fergie is the best! I love her? and wish her the best. Fergie must do a new solo album! SHE ROCKS!!!

  • Brandon Thomas:

    All of em are talented in my book. I’m assuming that you don’t know much about the group to say such a thing. = Rapper/Writer/singer/producer. Not to mention he produced the dutchess. = Rapper/writer/producer

    Taboo = Rapper/Producer

    Fergie = Singer/writer/rapper

    Bucky Jonson = Yes, they write and play. They? are the sound of the group

  • Fergie Ferguston:

    Fergiiie liiiinda? s22′

  • CatpurrRobertaBobbi:

    I USED TO like Fergie because she was it came out she was very open about her drug use. When Josh cheated just like when Pinks husband did I expected her to set an example for all us? women to have self respect. SHE DID NOT. I wish her luck however.

  • David Mel:

    As far as I’m concerned, BEP is Fergie + 3 no-talents. Yes those guys are geniuses …. very crafty. To get Fergie as their singer was a stroke of genius because none of these clowns could carry a note. Talk (rap), jump around (dance), act important (entertain) & push buttons (make music) …. that’s what they do. But I guess that’s probably 90% of popular music? these days.

  • fergalicious75:

    OMG!! I’m sooo excited now!! I LOVE Fergie soo much!? And I know all the stories about the meth but not Josh, so I’m excited bout that!

  • ClevverNews:

    LOL I’m having them both fed ex’ed over to you now! Thanks for subscribing, pal!! YOU ROCK!? –Deidre

  • Priscilla Abbott:

    I clicked in to see an update with the? other Fergie.LOL… bad. Boy am I old.

  • Alysa Mitchell:

    i can’t wait for her to talk about her drug addiction&her sexuality. i’ve loved her since i was in 3rd grade, ALWAYS had a crush on her&I’m in 10th now. i feel like her openly talking about these things makes other people with a drug addiction or struggling with there sexuality feel like they’re not the only ones going through that. fergie is definitely one? of my all time idols.

  • hellokittygirl186:

    I hope she? doesn’t leave the Black Eyes Peas! I luv them!!

  • Amanda Joseph:

    i thought? Oprah was done with interviewing people…

  • Konrad Carpenter:

    I? suscribed. where the fuck is th angel and unicorn? LOL!

  • KatherineR231:

    shit! i cant wait to see this epiosde. i saw rihanna’s? and ushers but i really want to see this one.

  • Raptor Jesus:

    holy shit, didnt know she was on meth ? O_O

  • kejixigbar:

    fergie is? fergin sexy :3