Methadone Withdrawal Chronicle Day 19


methadone withdrawal chronicle day 19 – looking ahead.


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3 Responses to “Methadone Withdrawal Chronicle Day 19”

  • brian alercia:

    Look at the date of the video before offering? advice on how to get through it, unless you’re talking to? the community at large!

  • phd2007:

    Glad you’re still doing well. Dude, this withdrawal just freakin’ blows. OH MY GOD I FEEL LIKE SHIT! How the hell you jumped off 130 when I feel this bad just jumping off 7 is beyond me. I don’t know how you did it. My body has been in CONSTANT motion since I jumped. I can’t sit still. The clonodine helps. I have a patch and? I keep rubbing the shit out of it. My heart is pounding out of my chest, too. Hot, cold, sweaty. I changed my sheets at 4 a.m. Knowing you made it gives me hope.

  • meuandthelot:

    Rock on brother!!
    Vitamins/fresh veggies fruits thru a? $50 Ninja blender, 5-Htp, sun-lamp bulb for Winter and strengthen the neuro-transmitters!