MeThAdOnE MoThErS DaY~


MeThAdOnE MoThErS DaY~ – This poem was written about kicking Methadone a drug used in the treatment of heroin addicts and Pain Control. This vid goes out to ALL ppl on Methadone or w…


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10 Responses to “MeThAdOnE MoThErS DaY~”

  • Lynda smith:

    Have you had a look at ibogaine? therapy? It looks like it could be a pretty good option.

  • TheDGSexperience:

    hop yer well?

  • Oakleaf700:

    i was prescribed methadone in 1979 and am STILL on, apart from a brief cleantime I had my son [he is now 29] he is anti drug, but I amstill? taking methadone…..easily , easily the hardest drug to quit…morphine=easy, heroin=easy, methadone=verrrrry hard.

  • lizzy Hubball:

    no hun? 4 to 8 yrs

  • massey4business:

    48 YEARS???!!! WTF?!?

  • in2zioni:

    I was on Methadone for 4 years–110 mgs–been off for 6 months as well as other opiates–wish i never would have been to a clinic–its been 6 months and i still sweat at night-leg spasms–wish i wouldhave just manned up yrs ago -slave to the clinic—its worse than Heroin to kick–methadone is a life sentence-at? the time it seemed like better solution–WRONG

  • edensgame:

    Actualli Imallot I’ am back on methadone and dealing with my pain issues dAy by day as I have Spina Biffida, Anyway I did the Cal-Mag thing to what worked for me was Magnesium 200-=400mgX3 aday and Potassium for leg crams 300-500 TID and then VITC for muc h needed Engergy Boost!! !500mg a wack I was there it worked FOR ME!! But In the long run I ended up on Afar higher dose 95mg I’m now down to? 45 mg and feelin g great I did the Bronzefeild DROP Cut m y legs off from 95 2 30mg but now stableTG..

  • Usmcspartan420:

    truely interesting. You forgot eggs… the two vitamins that opiates sqeeze out of you like a twisted rag is 2 vitamins(I forge wich,A and another,bsom e B maby?) that eggs are FULL of. Also Pure black lycarice is vital. I am not gonna say anymore cuz quiting is no where in? sight for me… only scaling down as opposed to mixing codiene theibane and morphine. Sigh… I cant nod off no matter what. Good thing I can’t get smak.

  • Usmcspartan420:

    Bravo? Eden… bravo!

  • Louise Mollot-Dicicco:

    u try used round the clock magnesium/calcium?gives back the minerals to nerves that drug took out-it relaxed so LESS CRAVINGS-hope u do well-keep on-no withdrawal cramps-b/c magnesium RELAXESmuscles-a study used magnesium/calcium-to stop suicidal compulsion IN ONE WEEK-patients felt relief-happier-is there interest among your friends for this type of nutrition project?also mag/calc will help even when using-especially cures constipation-it takes the drug poison out of the? body-TRY IT