Memoirs of a Meth Addict: Part 2 “PARANOID”


Memoirs of a meth addict: part 2 “PARANOID” – In this video I describe the different stages of the paranoia that I experienced while using meth. Talking about the paranoia still isn’t easy for me, especi…


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7 Responses to “Memoirs of a Meth Addict: Part 2 “PARANOID””

  • Matt Szlaga:

    Thank you for sharing this. I have been sober since April 4th, 2012… my last trip was to the hospital after suffering from excited delirium.
    God found out that I knew he had secret angel spies on earth, so he sent his angels to arrest me for discovering his ‘mind’.. I felt them coming. When the angels arrived, I would die, so I tried to become an animal… and destroyed half of? my appliances… both of my kidneys failed in the ambulance, and God saved me… I’m lucky to be sane and healthy.

  • whosFlipside:

    Im dealing with paranoia just from doing meth once and smoking a quarter oz of laced marijuana. I usually think theres drugs in my food or people planning to drug me.? no voices or hallucinations except for a hppd type hallucination which consists of a “tv snow” like pattern on walls and objects. this sucks. not even once makes ALOT more sense now.

  • SuperZexyMamas:

    what people? heard of your paranoia and actually started fucking with you on purpose simply because your an easy target?

  • Rhonda Marie:

    I’ll work on making a part 3 and/or a video directly to meth addicts this week. I meant to have these memoirs finished by now but this is such a draining subject for me. I do want to help though and I know it’s important for me to take this horrible experience and turn? it into something that blesses others and glorifies the kingdom of God. I’ll start praying for the energy, motivation and courage to accomplish this task!! Love you girl!

  • sneaklp:

    there is no where here to commit him, jail is probably his only hope and that is sad that he would have to go thru that again but it worked before. he was in for 6 months then moved out of state for 6 months then moved back home and it wasn’t long before the same old crowd was showing up again. so anything you can share to help someone get off this mess please post. maybe a video directly to a meth addict that could be? sent to them by your viewers to help them with some thoughts of getting off

  • sneaklp:

    please make a part 3 and tell us what it took to get you out of the world of meth, my brother has been on and off meth for years now and even been jailed for manufacturing. i don’t know how to help him other than trying to get him to move across the states out to kansas with my other brother, we are in sc now. I just don’t know how to let him know we want to help him without him geting mad, he still currently denies he needs? help. the relapse rate is 95% and have seen him relapse several times.

  • baxtersmomma:

    That is so awesome! You are right in doing this. We need to get things out of us. I’m horrible about that. I keep everything bottled up? and sometimes I feel like it’s killing me. But you are an inspiration…thank you! 🙂