Preventing Adolescent Drug and Alcohol Use – Isanti County News

Preventing adolescent drug and alcohol use – Isanti County News

Isanti County News

Preventing adolescent drug and alcohol use
Isanti County News
During a forum March 27 at Isanti Middle School, sponsored by Allina Health and Cambridge Medical Center, a panel of experts touched on several topics relating to drug and alcohol use, including current trends, signs and symptoms, legal consequences

Methadone Symptoms – Google News

Dosage errors may have tilted clinical heroin trial, BC court hears – The Globe and Mail

Dosage errors may have tilted clinical heroin trial, BC court hears
The Globe and Mail
In a sworn affidavit, Dr. Kahan said methadone dosages administered during the North American Opiate Medication Initiative (NAOMI) might not have been enough to relieve withdrawal symptoms and cravings. The study, led by researchers from Providence …

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Methadone Symptoms – Google News

‘Out of Options’: Veterans with PTSD hit pot underground – KTAL


'Out of Options': Veterans with PTSD hit pot underground
The possibility of federal drug monitoring –- plus fears of losing VA benefits and the threat of legal trouble –- has driven scores of veterans to secretly use marijuana for decades to address their PTSD symptoms, several veterans said. “Us veterans

Methadone Symptoms – Google News

Doctor accepts license limits – Bowling Green Daily News

Doctor accepts license limits
Bowling Green Daily News
… it appears that Dr. Gott is not only practicing pain management, but is also providing detoxification service. … There are several cases where Dr. Gott has assumed care and responsibility to manage patients who have either left or been discharged

Methadone Symptoms – Google News

Related Methadone Symptoms Information…

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