Migraines, Help!?
Question by ?????: Migraines, help!?
I’ve tried NEARLY ALL the TRIPTANS and preventative medicines, they dont work. Even imitrex doesnt work.Even if they are not chemically migraines, but cluster headahces, i still get migraine symptoms. The fiorinal works about 85% of the time when taken as prescribed, and I never want to take more than it says because my doctor told me not to. However, the other fifteen percent of the time the migraines are so bad (usually a strong vomiting feeling with dizziness, sensitivity to light and noise and extreme pain). This doesnt happen very often, but I was wondering if anything is prescribed as a second line medicine for such occasions. I looked online and found that srtronger medicines exist but they are very controlled. Is it unheard of for a migraineur to get an Rx to something like Dilaudid or Demerol? Should I consider asking my doctor? I don’t want him to think badly of me so I am asking on the forum first. Thanks so much for your inputs.
Best answer:
Answer by xaviar_onasis
Depends on the doctor. Most doctors will evaluate your history to make a decision. There are neurologists who specialize in migraines who may be more understanding.
Generally, a patient will seek treatment at the ER if migraines are severe enough to require heavy narcotics. When a patient has a history of treatment with Demerol for instance, a physician might be more willing to prescribe it for home use.
The problem overall is that migraines and the severity of the pain they cause are not something you can see on an x-ray. You are relying on a patient’s testimony. And patients will sometimes exaggerate or lie outright. So, looking at behavior and past history is one sort of visible evidence and treatment guide.
Just be willing to try what your doctor suggests without insisting on something stronger. You have to let his treatment choice fail before you can move to another treatment.
Answer by Tony G
I don’t get migrains myself, but my wife gets them every now and then. She says try lying down in a completely dark room with a cold compress over your eyes for a couple of hours. You may fall asleep, but is that so bad? Just thought I’d help!
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i think if you talked with him and told him about those days when the other medication isn’t working,then he may prescribe another medication for those days,however i doubt that it will be for the two medications that you mentioned,i suffer from the same thing.hope you feel better soon.
migraines can be cause by many factors, one of the most common factor includes havining insufficient sleep,stess,etc
eating narcotics provided by your doctor is of utmost importance so consulting the doctor first should be the first step also try to take less caffiened-products such as coffee and tea ,turning in early could also help.reducing stress load and i could also reccomend a nap whenever you fell dizzy.Eating sweet stuff when in pain could also be a relieve from pain rather than popping to many pills.take good care and remember to consult the doctor
Yes, there are other meds out there that may help you. Ask your doctor, there are meds that can help with your nausea, dizziness and pain. Some are controlled meds (C II), narcotics.
Some doctors are afraid to prescribe these meds for their patients who need them. Ask your doctor for ideas and a referral to a pain management specialist.
there are several pain management forums you can go to also for references…MGH neurology webforum is one, check into it. Good luck. You deserve releif from your pain.
Headache is a pain in the head, scalp or neck.
Headaches can be caused by minor problems
like eyestrain, lack of coffee or more serious reasons
like head injury, brain tumors, encephalitis and
meningitis. Taking painkillers continuously can
have harmful side effects, so it is better to
modify your lifestyle. More information available at
If you get migraines that severe and more often than 2-3 times a week, you should be on a prophylactic medication, not an abortive one. There are many prophylactic migraine meds, most of them a re a type on anti-epileptic drug. Your doctor may ahve to try a couple till he finds one that’s good for you. Prophylactic migraine meds prevent the migraine from starting. Abortive migraine meds are what you take once the migraine has started to stop it, Triptans are abortive.
Narcotics are not frequently prescribed for migraines because they are very addictive and cause dependence and in many migraine sufferers, if they start taking narcotics for their migraines, they can’t stop because stopping can trigger attacks. Plus, most doctors do not like to prescribe them because of addiction and liability.
Cluster headaches are not migraines and are not treated the same way migraines are treated. Some cluster headaches can be treated with oxygen. There are other treatments too. I don’t know if you have migraines or cluster headaches, but a good neurologist should be able to tell the diffference and give you the proper diagnosis and treatment.
I’ve seen your other questions over the past few days, including trying to get Marinol, asking what C-IIIs are “good to use”, the significant weight loss since you began college, and talking about your depression and drug use on other topics. If you are abusing narcotics, they are likely contributing to all of the problems you have mentioned. For example, if you have been taking something like vicodin or percocet, which contain acetaminophen, the headaches you are experiencing could be rebound headaches due overuse of these medications.
Narcotic abuse will suppress your appetite and cause depression as well. I know you don’t want counseling because it is not helping you at this time. Other people may disagree, but if you cannot stop using at this time, consider going on a methadone or suboxone treatment program. These medications will not make you feel high, but they will help with your craving. Also, when you enter a treatment program you will have a case manager who will help you with counseling, nutrition, or anything else you need. You will also meet people who are going through or have been through the same thing that you are, and you may find support/encouragement through your interactions with them The programs are relatively inexpensive ($ 100/week or less), especially considering the street price of the narcotics. And they are completely confidential. Some people think that methadone users will be users all of their life, but the programs will help you get off it if you so desire. They are not just for heroin addicts anymore either – many people with addiction to oxycontin or similar are now in these programs and include professional, successful people. Here is a site where you can find a program in your area.
Please get help before it is too late. You are young and have your whole life ahead of you, and things will get better if you can make a positive change in yourself!