Boston’s Only Public Methadone Clinic May Shut – Boston Globe

Boston’s only public methadone clinic may shut – Boston Globe

Boston's only public methadone clinic may shut
Boston Globe
Despite assurances that methadone treatment will be uninterrupted if the city clinic closes, the possibility of a shutdown has raised fears among current and former staff that uninsured and indigent clients will be set adrift. Mimi Vitale, a nurse who

Methadone Symptoms – Google News

Inmate deaths raise questions about jail detox procedures – The Intelligencer

Inmate deaths raise questions about jail detox procedures
The Intelligencer
… jails under PrimeCare Medical protocols. The reason is standard medical protocols believe the risk of danger to the woman and fetus is too great. Instead, they are placed in a methadone replacement program at an outside state-certified treatment

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Methadone Symptoms – Google News

Heroin treatment providers address law enforcement – Insurance News Net (press release)

Heroin treatment providers address law enforcement
Insurance News Net (press release)
People struggling with heroin can receive methadone treatment for $ 90 to $ 120 per week but the substance, which is addictive, is not covered by insurance unlike the heroin treatment substance Suboxone, and poses problems for some people addicted to …

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Methadone Symptoms – Google News

Oxycodone: The factors behind Australians’ increasing use of ‘hillbilly heroin’ – ABC Online

Oxycodone: The factors behind Australians' increasing use of 'hillbilly heroin'
ABC Online
In North America, prescription opioid-dependent clients outnumber heroin-dependent clients among those presenting for methadone maintenance treatment. There are more deaths in the US attributed to the use of prescribed opioids than to heroin and …

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Methadone Symptoms – Google News

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