Why Is My Methadone Not Lasting the Full 24 Hours, All of a Sudden?

Question by : Why is my Methadone not lasting the full 24 hours, all of a sudden?
K well, i’ve been on methadone for a couple years now. During the last 2 years i’ve been going through a cocaine addiction. I went up to 90 mls of methadone. I sat on that dose for about a year than i started to go down all the way to 60 mls. Two months ago I finally got clean from cocaine. Once i was clean for 3 weeks I felt like I had to go up 5 mls. So now im sitting at 65. For the past week i’ve been waking up at 5 am with really bad hot and cold sweats. I feel like I wanna crawl out of my skin. I know its withdraws. I usually have to be at the pharmacy to pick up my dose as soon as it opens cuz its so bad. Why am I all of a sudden getting this problem. Ive been on it for so long without going through this. Is it because im clean from cocaine now? Im 24 years old. Maybe my body is going through major changes? Does anyone know more about this. I was thinking of splitting my dose in 1/2 and take one 1/2 in the am and the other later on that day. Good idea maybe?

Best answer:

Answer by izzy
You have done well so far. I hope your doctors are helpful with sorting out the methadone.

Among the listed side effects is “Feeling of unease, restlessness, agitation or being unwell. Sweating”

Re needing more methadone, you can develop a tolerance – ie need more for the same effect. One of the reasons why methadone is prescribed is that tolerance to it usually builds up very slowly.
Perhaps the total absence of cocaine plus the length of time you have been taking methadone means it is not having the same effect.

Talk to your doctor, discuss this. You have been through enough without having to deal with waking at 5am on a winter morning feeling rough.
Before you split your dose I think you should discuss it with your docor.

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