Methadone for Fibro Pain?
Question by 007butterfly: Methadone for fibro pain?
I drink 90mg dihydrocodeine for severe fibro pain every 6 hours. Way too much? Anyone found benefit from methadone and who should I ask?
Best answer:
Answer by soxrcat
1. Is your dihyrocodeine prescribed by a licensed doctor (M.D., D.O., or a physician’s assistant) ?
2. Are you taking the prescribed amount?
3. Can you quit – or are you hooked?
Answer by malukey
I assume with you taking methadone you are seeing a Pain Management Dr. If not you should. I also have severe fibro pain plus other physical problems which renders me chronic pain. I don’t know that much about methadone, except that it is the last ditch med for chronic pain,and is even more addictive than others,so I’m guessing you have already tried Oxycontin,Roxicodone,Avanza just a few to mention, if not ask your Specialist to try these, unless your tolerance is so high. Tell your Dr. you think this is too much, don’t just keep taking that much. I’m concerned that where do you go from here for pain management, GOOD LUCK to you hon. I feel your pain but think you may want to switch to a Dr. who is really looking after your best welfare….
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