Addiction Treatment With a Dark Side

Addiction Treatment With a Dark Side
Intended as a long-term treatment for people addicted to opioids — heroin as well as painkillers — buprenorphine, like methadone, is an opioid itself that can produce euphoria and cause dependency. Its effects are milder, however, and they plateau …
Read more on New York Times

The Media Needs to Stop Stigmatizing Our Best Weapon Against…
It allays cravings for painkillers or heroin while, crucially, being harder to get a high off of than methadone. That means it can be prescribed for use at home, with no need for traveling daily to a clinic, as addicts must do to legally obtain …
Read more on The New Republic

At Clinics, Tumultuous Lives and Turbulent Care
Buprenorphine was developed as a safer alternative to methadone for treating heroin and painkiller addiction, a take-home medication that could be prescribed by doctors in offices rather than dispensed daily in clinics. But in some areas a de facto …
Read more on New York Times

Pain med prescribing guidelines mostly agree
… daily and that they have additional knowledge to prescribe methadone. Doctors should also increase dosages slowly and monitor for side effects when first prescribing the drugs, and reduce doses by at least 25 percent to 50 percent when switching …
Read more on Chicago Tribune (blog)

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