Pregnant on Methadone?
Question by SmileItsNotThatSerious: Pregnant on Methadone?
Many women take methadone for pain or are far into their addiction treatement, and then they get pregnant by accident. Rather than abortion, they slowly and safely lower their dose so the baby isn’t born addicted. But then there are the women who don’t care or don’t want to try, and they actually increase their dose! THESE women complained that their clinic wanted them to lower their dose, and made it seem like they were being asked to stop cold turkey (which can cause miscarriage). Now NJ has a law being proposed that will make it illegal for a woman on meth who gets pregnant to safely quit methadone!!!! Basically they want to force women to STAY ON methadone, and take away their right to choose having a healthy baby! Medical research says that SLOWLY tapering off methadone is safest, but these “addiction” specialists are fighting this and putting out false info that it is not safe.
How can a concerned mom fight this?
Best answer:
Answer by animosity
well your not the mom of those section 8 welfare kids, its disgusting I know, but most of the times its the mom’s fault
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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what? they cant make you take medication you dont want to take. that doesnt sound right. if the women really want the baby to be healthy they will cheek the meds, and slowly decrease their amounts…its not that difficult to do. and the women who dont care and want more…will always be able to get more.
Call or write letters to all your local and state representatives asking them to abolish this law. Try getting together with any womens groups in your town and get a campaign going to fight this. Best of luck on this, future lives are at stake here.
WOW I am a year off methadone a year now,and still have problems. Suicide,and sleep issues,I can relate to EVERYTHING you mentioned here, Im down to taking pieces of sub every 3 days just to stay normal physically. Everything your sayng s me,and family does not understand,and never will,no matter how much they tell you they do. Opiate addiction is a whole different world. Opiates eat all our natural endorphins,so that where depression comes n. outa space 2 post
hugs Pam
are you in your home , dude? bc most doore don’t have 3 foot by 1foot glass in them. it looks like an institute door or something
I’m week four into methadone withdrawl, a whole month and damn did it seem like 3 months about two weeks into it. You know what happened in week 3? The entire world came? into focus, music is so beautiful again, colors overwhelm my senses after having been dull’d out to the world for so long. Sometimes emotions I forgot I could feel sting me like a bee. Sting me a thousand times I’m determined to stay the course, it can take up to six months to feel ‘right’ again.
i never notice not ever being sick from cold and flusand ect,,but now that u mentioned it i never did get sick when i was using,,wonder y it does that
@nolderine yeah, definitely a different kind of withdrawal…in some ways easier and in some ways worse…because one of the biggest reasons for relapse is our inability to handle day to day life with all its aches and pains OVER THE LONG HAUL…and coming off methadone, all the aches and pains are amplified, and it’s a LONG LONG HAUL…half a year in many cases. good luck to you…
dude well done i took methadone to get off H i Really really wish I turky’d H instead of methadone as it is as you Well know is very different , Its just the lack of enthusiasm…fuck being able to spell my mind is a mess and god the nightmares .. you were talking about it being the magic drug in regards to pain etc but its the small things like being “immune” from colds, flu ,coughs etc while you watched your household all suffer those little torments ,BUT we are meant to be human ! M=Hell
i hear you…and good freaking luck to you. this thing is gotdamn EVIL…so many ways it can slip through your guard…hell, it’s got a surefire way to get thru my guard…and i’m a guy who NEVER took meds to get high. hell, i never took them PERIOD, no matter what…till the hurting became every DAY, all day LONG.
so here i am…almost hopeless…have to choose between family and being “clean.” so good luck to you…lose your connect…and if you have physical issues get them TREATED.