Mother Arrested in Drug Overdose Death of 1-Year-Old – WSAW
Mother Arrested in Drug Overdose Death of 1-year-old – WSAW
Mother Arrested in Drug Overdose Death of 1-year-old
WSAW … last week showed the child died from an overdose of methadone. Detectives questioning the mother say she admitted giving the child part of a methadone pill before the child died Dec. 26 in Janesville. Methadone is commonly used to treat heroin … |
Methadone Addiction – Google News
Nurse who let drugged wife die struck off – Taranaki Daily News
Nurse who let drugged wife die struck off
Taranaki Daily News In 2002, Hamer was on a methadone programme to combat his addiction to opium. About 1am on February 9, Hasnah Hamer drank between 100 and 150 milligrams of methadone. Hamer argued during his trial in the High Court in Rotorua that she had done … |
Methadone Addiction – Google News
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