Methadone Addiction: How to Beat Methadone Addiction Requires Medical Supervision

Addicts who use methadone to help rid themselves of an addiction to opiate drugs are often then faced with the problem of how to beat methadone addiction.

Methadone, a synthetic opiate developed in Germany in the early part of the 20th century, has been successfully administered to heroin addicts and those addicted to other strong opiates in order to minimize the addict’s cravings for the original drug and suppress the many withdrawal symptoms experienced during the methadone detox process, including nausea, depression, fatigue and irritability.

Unfortunately, turning to methadone during heroin or opiate detox can cause the addict to become addicted to methadone itself. It is important that the methadone addict rely on a support system as well as medical supervision in order to overcome methadone addiction, which can be even more stressful than overcoming heroin addiction, causing some of the same side effects such as insomnia, cravings, vomiting and anxiety.

The addict must commit to a medically-supervised residential detox program or outpatient program in order to receive increasingly smaller doses of a drug called buprenorphine. Buprenorphine has been on the FDA’s approved list for combating methadone addiction since 2002.

In place of methadone, buprenorphine is administered in increasingly smaller doses to the patient in order to minimize or eliminate the craving that has built up for methadone, in addition to helping decrease or eliminate such methadone withdrawal symptoms as fever, body aches, vomiting, insomnia and anxiety.

Close monitoring by a doctor during the withdrawal phase from methadone as well as psychological support throughout the process can usually help the patient beat methadone addiction without incurring many of the unfavorable withdrawal symptoms normally associated with methadone addiction.

Now if you think that you may have an addiction to this drug I would recommend that you seek help as soon as possible preferably today. This can be done in a rehab facility. If you do go to rehab you will be medically detoxed from methadone and this will be done by trained clinicians who will administer prescription medications to help ease the pain and discomfort associated with methadone withdrawal. This process can take up to 5 days; however, I strongly recommend that you follow this up with residential treatment. While in residential you will attend group, lectures, 12 step meetings and individual counseling. This will help you to learn how to stay clean when you leave rehab.

Good luck

I am in recovery myself and I like to write addiction. It is my goal to give others information on how they can stop using, overcome drug addiction and find a new way to live without drugs.

Methadone Addiction: Methadone Effects : Long-Term Effects of Methadone Addiction in Children

When a child is born to a mother with a methadone addiction, that child will usually have a certain sensitivity to the drug, and they can have respiratory problems as well. Find out how a child can be born with a methadone addiction, which can cause cardiac irregularities, with help from a licensed mental health counselor in this free video on methadone and drug addiction.

Find More Methadone Addiction Information…

15 Responses to “Methadone Addiction: How to Beat Methadone Addiction Requires Medical Supervision”

  • zpowerful:

    Hi-just saw your video. Coming from a user (75ml) I have to say once U get into this world, your never the same. I am a person that everyone used t o know as a health nut-workout fanatic etc. UNTIL the monster man entered my life and ‘made’ me dependant on this-have understanding when U meet with your clients-they come from a variety of backgrounds-greetings from Ajax, Canada-First Steps meth clinic-user for 3 years now:(

  • Crazeyapez:

    I can’t believe you are an addictions worker, you are very misinformed and just plain ignorant.

  • 1kicka1:

    @TheRalphus666 liqid imprisonment!! defo going for that name

  • TheRalphus666:

    @shoutatthesky And I just seen your “safe”IV injection video,nobody uses a 3ml syringe XD unless you get such garbage you need that much liquid,use a 50 or 100 unit syringe like a normal person.Thanks for the laugh though I needed that

  • shoutatthesky:

    @TheRalphus666 That makes absolutely no sense! If you are going to talk about shit like it is fact then get your facts straight or keep your mouth shut.

  • TheRalphus666:

    @shoutatthesky I dont really care what its called.It should be called liquid imprisonment,or evildone

  • shoutatthesky:

    @TheRalphus666 It was never called ‘Adolphine’. If I am wrong then prove it.

  • shoutatthesky:

    @TheRalphus666 It was never called adolphine. If I’m wrong prove it.

  • ontariobuds:

    you should learn to not read a piece of paper. Excuse me if you weren’t.

    I appreciate your time and effort in making these videos. You’re helping more than you know.

  • joujou890:

    @MrBornagainzombie just wanna say good on you. My daughter went through what u described and she has said much the same as you have. Yes, it has a purpose although watching someone come off the stuff is horrible and yes it takes a long time after your off it. Not to mention the physcological side of coming off a drug someone has been on for 10 yrs plus.
    Take care

  • TheRalphus666:

    @d9andy992 True it was originally adolphine which I guess because of the name it was changed to the brandname of Dolophine for methadone.I remember buying pills and stamped right on it was Dolophine.And Did every company get rid of the 40mg dose??Because more than one generic made the 40mg and it came in brand name also.

  • TheDeadlyDelilah:

    Hi John Bosworth. You strike me as a knowledgeable and careing man – else why do this? I am a woman who – without trying to explain how what why – am on 110mg methadone. I am 40 years of age. What can I do , with the small bracket of fertility time I have left, to make my baby’s gestation and birth as healthy as possible?

  • shamrock608:

    im from the upper class of methadone use ive cut down from 80 mils of methadone to just 15 mils per day in the space of less than 2 months and id love my child as much as i would if on methadone or not….

  • shamrock608:

    im from the upper class of methadone use ive cut down from 80 mils of methadone to just 15 mils per day in the space of less than 2 months and id love my child as much as i would if on methadone or not….

  • isadora7717:

    wow some of you need to grow up, actually research the subject (even if you have had personnal experience u still seem naive about it) and get some help with your ego problem and ‘superiority complex’ man u guys are so full of urself u don’t even care if your wrong as long as u feel u have won an argument…….talk about lying to oneself…wow