Methadone Addiction: Blind Detoxing on Methadone
Blind detoxing on methadone – Update: we can now have blind detox at our clinic but now my beef is you have to wake 2 whole yrs to get your takehomes where you only go 1 time a week and i…
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I’ve been on methadone for 4 years. Monday I’m going to start my blind taper. I’m nervous but so happy on the same point.? anyone else going thought it now or in the past?!
you are very correct. And? let me tell the world this, You think this can’t happen to you? Then you are by far the one it surely Can happen to! You cannot imagine how many ppl who never used a single drug or drank, will get put on scripts, from the doctor, they trust their doctor, we all due, but don’t trust him too much, do your own research, question your meds You will become hooked on opiate pain killers, you cannot help it! Then you may be here, trying to sort your life out too, gd luck
I am goin to the methadone clinic on thursday and I have never tired it but have been on opiates for 7 yrs vics and oxy an I’m wornding will methadone? make me look crazy at work like noddin out drooling and stuFf like that just wornding hopefully u can me out??????!!!!!?!?!?!
blind detox is when you request to be detoxed from a clinic and they start dropping you but do not tell you what they are giving you as you would know any other time. Only reasons for this is because your brain will subconsiously start filling with anxiety if you know your going down and with this doing it slowly of course you have no clue. Now if you tell them you want to stop they will and you will know how much your on then. Psychologically messes you up though more? than we know.
yup that was me, I did pills ty-3-4’s vics oxys for 9 yrs. but still wish i would have never started and just stayed on them n went to a place to detox. having the kids n no support system is what got me to start the mthdone. It is only for IV users or? H snorters bad off BUT money to be made by these docs.
oh sure when I take more one day than i should i have more energy and that equals the? dope feeling of why we started our opiate addiction. After on methadone years you will not feel much like that anymore it will just make it where you will not have w/drawal symptoms but not really euphoric with energy.
honestly I think it is all in what type and amount of drugs you used when you did and for me I started way way back on 30mgs then went up matter of 5? years to no more than 114mgs. I am now as of Nov. 2012 on 40mgs a week but of pill form now which is somewhat diff but not much. I think in detoxing blind honestly is what I would try (never did yet) psych will get you why i say this…but if your heavier i believe u might need more? What type of drugs n how much a day to get a idea?
maybe you can grow up? ….umm ya think?
It is crazy. I am 150 lbs. I was 120 lbs in april of last yr when i entered the methadone clinic lol. i am on 120 mgs. everyone is so different and what ur magic number for? a dose might work for u it wont for me.
Its true, everyone’s recovery is SO different. Starting with dosage, I”m about 175 pounds on 55mgs (which is high for? me still) and theres a girl that goes to my clinic, must be about 100 pounds soak and wet – shes on 110 mgs! Sounds crazy huh?
i dont get? it shes hurting in i guess?
@Mrgyn harder than u think 10 20 days,depending opn how long u used,? of no sleep worst flu ever times10 terrible hope u nver get hooked seen many people say same thing ang humbley apologize once they get on opities
that’s how they are at my clinic. i was going in 7 days a week, now i’m going 5 because i get weekend take-homes. i haven’t pissed dirty once and i’ve been there for half a year. these guys are even open on holidays! i pay 91 dollars a week plus gas!! that’s a lot of? money….i’m just supporting a LEGAL habit. i live in virginia so the rules are probably different. i have a feeling VA is very strict. but good luck with your recovery!
If anyone is struggling with addiction and can’t afford to get on Suboxone maintenance themselves since doctors are so expensive, I have some extra 8mg scripts of Suboxone I? am not? using if anyone is interested in them send me a message on here. I got them for free with insurance so I’d give you a really good deal. Thanks…
While your at? it maybe u can detox from a few Twinkies> lol
can’t hear a thing?
very true?
oh yes totally agree with ya those drs that do this are just wanting to get? paid!