Lies Patients Tell About Methadone Treatment.
Lies Patients Tell About Methadone Treatment. – What really goes on in methadone treatment with patients who are trying to get off of methadone. The half truths and the misconceptions from a counselor with…
Related Methadone Addiction Information…
Ive been? n a mmt clinic for over 10years methodone has saved my life!!! Plus has given me my life back with out methodone i was living to get next fix never n thing more i moved to the border were dope was cheap n got hooked up with bad people to make money untelling how many people i made dope heads cause i wood bring stuff back to were i was from two day drive from border n sell to one man that supplied whole areas dealers just to pay for my fix n way to live done that from 97 till 02
Your opinion is prejudiced by what you have personally experienced. You haven’t any objectivity which is a bad thing for a counselor. Treatment isn’t about what the counselor? has experienced but what the patient has experienced. I know that programs can fall apart as other businesses can too. That won’t help the addict. However harm reduction does occur for some while others get totally drug free. I won’t argue the point with you any longer as I now know where you are coming from. Good luck.
Thank you for making it clear that you aren’t clean. So it sounds like your hatred for methadone treatment? and what you personally have experience with has you making a general statement. After 19years with a caseload of at least 55 patients on average I can tell you that NOT all addicts are the same. I was considered a tough counselor telling it like it is to my patients. Some liked it and some didn’t..You can have your opinion as there is freedom of speech.
In the UK (and probably everywhere) addicts are FORCED to take methadone every day,some see it as a day out and enjoy standing in the green mile while others keep forgetting and have to start over again and eventually lie to get it home with them on a couple of pick ups a week then turn the script into an income to buy smack and NEVER being tested for years.?
Movies like Trainspotting “glorify” addiction and withdrawal and to be honest I think every counsellor/drug worker should become an addict and go through withdrawals to feel EXACTLY what its like,but until then you will be forever lied to so the junkies get there own? way.
I didn’t say I was clean I’m still a user but I’ve cut? down a lot,until methadone treatment is managed properly then its a waste of time,you might as well give the junkies the keys to the methadone cabinet and say take what you want I will be back later to lock up,junkies are the same everywhere they will take ANYTHING as long as its free.
As for pain management clinic’s I never worked there. I will say that pain issues make things very tricky. I would think having a private therapist could help keep the pain management client in check as well as observation of whether a patient looks stoned on appts. It is still up to that person? to not abuse but to be responsible with any Rx medication for pain issues etc…
@honeymclean no one has to end up with a methadone habit is what I am saying. It is all about what a patient puts into their treatment. It is their choice. We cannot control people we can only try to help them. I am happy for you that you are clean and have? overcome your addiction. You kept to your goal and achieved it. My debate is that certain addicts fail to take responsibility for their failure to achieve illicit drug freedom and to get off of methadone.
I got talking to an addict one day in the street and I asked him how he was, “terrible” he said I’ve got “brain problems” and how did that happen I asked, and his reply was “I’m losing? all my endolphins” 😀
I would say I know about 40/50 addicts on a methadone script and all but 2 don’t use on top,while the rest cry to there drug worker that it doesn’t hold them lol? more like its more to sell at the weekend when they get Sundays and any bank holidays home with them.