Crimea Side-Effect: Addicts Deprived of Methadone – Daily Astorian

Crimea side-effect: Addicts deprived of methadone – Daily Astorian

Washington Post

Crimea side-effect: Addicts deprived of methadone
Daily Astorian
Across the Black Sea peninsula, some 800 heroin addicts and other needle-drug users take part in methadone programs, seen as an important part of efforts to curb HIV infections by taking the patients away from hypodermic needles that can spread the …
Crimean side-effect: Heroin addicts deprived of methadone because Russia Newser

all 54 news articles »

Methadone Addiction – Google News

Letter: Methadone programs can beat addiction – Newsday

Letter: Methadone programs can beat addiction
There is an ongoing misconception that methadone treatment just hooks the addict on a new drug. This is false. Technically, it's a drug, but if it's administered in the correct manner, it has extremely beneficial medicinal qualities. Therefore, I

Methadone Addiction – Google News

Heroin task force focuses on treatment options, availability in Madison County – Insurance News Net (press release)

Heroin task force focuses on treatment options, availability in Madison County
Insurance News Net (press release)
Park said Wellspring focuses on the individual and group therapy and other support services that help addicts build their recovery, and all those services are also available to clients that cannot pay for methadone. "Our philosophy is that we meet the

and more »

Methadone Addiction – Google News


CAUSE Perdu dehors + Méthadone ( live ) – Concert du groupe CAUSE à La maison du rock (Lestra 42)


Find More Methadone Addiction Information…

3 Responses to “Crimea Side-Effect: Addicts Deprived of Methadone – Daily Astorian”

  • jmvzic:

    Deux superbes chansons qui pètent vraiment…! A voir absolument en concert.

  • TrigonesPlus Officiel .Officiel:

    salut c tony, je suis fier d etre le premier a poster un commentaire sur
    cette video car je suis fan de votre musique.j espere que vous allez
    reussir a vous faire connaitre dans la france entiere car vous le meritez
    vraiment.j ai adoré vos concert a corbas et a tarare pour le tremplin du
    rock que vous avez gagnez d ailleurs et je viendrais vous voir a
    villeurbanne le 22avril 2009.vincent,jerome,sylvain et raoul vous etes trop
    cool…..tony le batteur des trigones.

  • GrimReaper69004:

    Salut a toutes la bande ( Jérôme, Raoul, Sylvain, Vincent ). J’espère être
    present à votre prochain concert. Que du bonheur. De la part de Sylvain dit
    ” La Faucheuse “