Methadone Abuse: Operation PAR Appeals Hernando Commission’s Denial of Permit for Methadone Clinic –

Methadone Abuse: Operation PAR appeals Hernando commission’s denial of permit for methadone clinic –

Operation PAR appeals Hernando commission's denial of permit for methadone clinic
"By not allowing that clinic to open there, it discriminates against individuals who are suffering from substance abuse by denying them the ability to have treatment in their own community," Coleman said. The planning board in July voted 4-1 to approve

Methadone Abuse – Google News

Methadone Abuse: Fears for 18000 Scots babies at risk of abuse – Herald Scotland

Fears for 18000 Scots babies at risk of abuse
Herald Scotland
One will focus on providing support to families where one or both parents have a serious addiction problem that is stable, such as those on methadone. It is based on a model used in Australia and will provide practical help in how to cook and care for

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Methadone Abuse – Google News

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