Methadone Abuse: Database Eyed to Curb Drug Abuse – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Methadone Abuse: Database eyed to curb drug abuse – Pittsburgh Tribune-Review
Database eyed to curb drug abuse
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Only 13 were tied to heroin or methadone, the top killers in the early 2000s. � In the last three years, more than 560 people were treated in Westmoreland hospitals for drug overdoses, according to testimony at a state hearing this summer. … |
Methadone Abuse – Google News
Methadone Abuse: Fight drugs not facility – Glens Falls Post-Star
Fight drugs not facility
Glens Falls Post-Star After learning of Conifer Park's intention to establish a methadone treatment center on an out-patient basis for heroin addicts at its Elm Street facility, the city began the process of establishing a local law that would provide a 90-day moratorium on … |
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