Andover Man Gets 25 Years’ Probation in Girlfriend’s Drug Overdose – Pioneer Press

Andover man gets 25 years’ probation in girlfriend’s drug overdose – Pioneer Press

Andover man gets 25 years' probation in girlfriend's drug overdose
Pioneer Press
Olson gave his 39-year-old girlfriend a dose of methadone that he purchased from a dealer outside a methadone clinic in Feb. 16. She ingested the substance at about 8:30 a.m. and soon started showing signs of medical distress. The symptoms accelerated 

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Methadone Symptoms – Google News

Pyramid Healthcare Publishes Video About Alcohol Withdrawal & Detox – PR Leap (press release)

Pyramid Healthcare Publishes Video About Alcohol Withdrawal & Detox
PR Leap (press release)
The video is designed to provide people with a brief introduction to alcohol detox through addiction and rehab statistics, potential symptoms of alcohol withdrawal, goals for detoxification, and treatment strategies for alcoholism. The video

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Methadone Symptoms – Google News

More Methadone Symptoms Information…

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