Invisible Wounds: A Medal of Honor Winner's Fight to Combat PTSD

Invisible Wounds: A Medal of Honor winner's fight to combat PTSD
Carter is the first to acknowledge that he's made strides combating the effects of post-traumatic stress since the Oct. 3, 2009 battle at Combat Outpost Keating, for which he was awarded the nation's highest military honor. His mission now is to shed …
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VETERAN'S DAY: Medical Marijuana and PTSD
After his medical discharge, Whiter sought help from the Veterans Administration for his Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as well as his physical injuries. “They put me on 36 different medications in 6 years,” recalls Whiter. “I was on methadone …
Read more on Ladybud Magazine

Veterans Administration Accused Of Over-Medicating War Veterans; Many Now
… released in late September by the Center for Investigative Reporting, which obtained data from the administration via the Freedom of Information Act. During the past dozen years since 9/11, the prescription rate at V.A. for hydrocodone, oxycodone …
Read more on Medical Daily

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