Kathy Gyngell Interviewed on BBC About Methadone Use
Kathy Gyngell interviewed on BBC about methadone use – Kathy Gyngell interviewed on BBC about methadone use.
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Kathy Gyngell interviewed on BBC about methadone use – Kathy Gyngell interviewed on BBC about methadone use.
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Methadone, suboxone, and naltrexone? save lives.
methadone saved? my worthless life…..period
You do realise, here in the UK we have a national health service that is not privately owned, where no funds? are passed from client to doc.
Like you Miss Gyngell, I also share your concern for the care of children, who are often “dragged-up” in “drugged-up” families. However, I do wish you acknowledged in this report, the controversial failings of child-protection in this country, with the not-so-random, pre-arranged home visits, giving? parents just enough time to tidy up, put away drug paraphernalia, kick the druggies out and answer the door to you with a innocent smile.
Having awful problems with childcare? Well let me enlighten you Mrs or is it? the more probable “Miss” Gyngell. I was lucky enough to come out of a “drug-relationship with my ex-partner with the help of Mathadone. Methadone allowed me the stability to be a real Father to my only child. With the help of Methadone, I was then successful in gaining full parental responsibility (formerly referred to as custody),for my daughter who now lives with me, and has done for the last 3 years.
wow….ignorance! !!! she made? me wanna puke…
Right as rain this lady. Never a single person gets better. When a person ask for a dose reduction it is upped as our clinics run on a business model not a medical? model.
So true methadone is maintanance not treatment. The highest you will ever be an addict told me.?