Methadone Addiction: Methadone & Suboxone in Milwaukee Part 1


Methadone & Suboxone in Milwaukee Part 1 – Informational, critical, and experiential account of methadone & suboxone services conducted in Milwaukee, Wisconsin 2008.


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22 Responses to “Methadone Addiction: Methadone & Suboxone in Milwaukee Part 1”

  • stop jihad:

    Hitler’s? still on methadone today!!!!!!!! :>

  • stop jihad:

    You’re stoned? dude!!!!!

  • stop jihad:

    Hitler was on methadone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :>?

  • ombrug3:

    Fire is? natural too!!!!….lol…

  • wavygr:

    Weed is natural until u hit it with fire this causes a man made chemical reaction thus it is no longer natural.Nothing wrong with wed if u can smoke it without bad reactions such as anxiety.?

  • psycopink:

    loll i am the robot man,,, bleepbleep….? lool

  • btbrotherton:

    Oxycodone is the active ingredient in Oxycontin, so that’s kind of redundant.

    Think someone who was doing an “experiential”? account would know that.

  • freakoutguitarsolo1:

    basically if you are stupid enough to do hard drugs that are man made and use fucking chemicals like kerosene and sulfuric acid to extract the drugs from the plants(cocaine)

    if you are stupid enough to do that shit, it has ZERO to do with smokin weed. i coudl go out and do coke or pills right now. why the fuck would i do that.? . you are just a fucking propaganda pusher, weed cures cancers so STFU, there are literally hundreds of ppl that have cured themselves now. goto Pheonix Tears website

  • freakoutguitarsolo1:

    you seriusly are dumb. i’m 32 been toking for 15 years , i’m probably more intelligent than 90 percent of the planet. get a life bud, i have never touched hard drugs, i’ve had lines of coke put right down in front of me, i call ppl who do that? shit fucking losers, intelligence is what makes you decide to do fucked up unnatural drugs. quit bashing weed, it’s natural, coke is made using sulfuric acids and kerosene. and pills are just totally artificial pretty much. so fuck U bud

  • Georgie2500:

    Hi all, I too am an opiate addict. I was using IV heroin everyday for over 4 years. I got on suboxone at first without insurance and had to pay $7 per pill for 90 pills per month plus Dr. fees, which was more? than $600 a month just to stay clean. I’ve since gotten great insurance which allows me to get all my suboxone for free and I? have a lot of extra suboxone scripts left over. I? am willing to? help anybody? out who wants to get? clean? but doesn’t have the? funds to do it. Msg me!!

  • Georgie2500:

    Hi all, I too am an opiate addict. I was using IV heroin everyday for over 4 years. I got on suboxone at first without insurance and had to pay $7 per pill for 90 pills per month plus Dr. fees, which was more? than $600 a month just to stay clean. I’ve since gotten great insurance which allows me to get all my suboxone for? free and I have a lot of extra suboxone scripts left over. I am willing to help anybody? out who wants to get? clean? but doesn’t have the? funds to do it. Msg me!

  • therealCanablisS:

    @temptressro2 ? yep were nuts! hahah

  • freakoutguitarsolo1:


    lol you are really a weak minded individual and you are wrong about weed, that is the biggest bullshit i ever heard, you must be a junkie, only a fucking junkie would? say something like thgat, i know cuz i actually know junkies who say the same shit. here’s a tip GET A FUCKING LIFE

  • freakoutguitarsolo1:

    why ppl choose to do hard drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin, meth, and oxy contin ect ect. is beyond my understanding

    first off you have to be? retarted to do any of those drugs in the first place, just smoke weed and play music fuck the drugs

  • therealCanablisS:

    hydromorphs and diluadids? still haunt me in my dreams,,,, and in the dream i either loose the pills or miss the vien LOL am i crazy > i thik not ,,

  • tesak2:

    methadone is? named dolophine after dolor Latin for pain.

  • mobiusstrip01:

    oh yeah, methadone does stop a lot of the cravings and all of the withdrawal pain(BECAUSE it stops withdrawal), but again, coming off methadone is brutal and much longer than the faster-acting opiates. i’d? guess whoever told you that was possibly so stuck in wanting the harder drugs that he fudged his/her experience because they really wanted the high that much more than at least the little freedom methadone does give.

  • mobiusstrip01:

    i agree that suboxone is more effective, mostly because of the naltrexone in it that is a stronger opiate blocker than methadone (only partial opiate agonist). problem is, when it’s time to come off it, the withdrawal is, in my personal experience, a little worse than methadone withdrawal. specifically, i literally did not sleep for over two weeks despite taking sleep meds. and it went on longer? than that, with cravings c0ming back in full force once it left my system.

  • Georgie2500:

    If anyone on here who needs help and is looking for a suboxone script send me a message. I get prescribed 120 8mg pills per month and have 2 extra scripts right now I? could send out to you for way cheaper than any sub doctor you can find.. Message me if interested and for the details, Peace.

  • downy62:

    Think for yourselves!!!!!!!!
    Jesus is? the only way to everlasting life!!!!!

  • christo930:

    I have talked with people who said it was useless and did nothing to alleviate the obsession associated with addiction? and didn’t even really help with withdrawal ether.
    I would tell people to go for the Suboxone because MMT is liquid handcuffs, sedating, is routinely tested for in drug test (so you have to tell your employer) and is notoriously difficult to detox from. do yourself a favor, and try Suboxone instead of either Methadone or Ibogaine.

  • christo930:

    Methadone wasn’t named Dolophine until AFTER WW2 was over and it was named by Americans. People who say it was named after? Hitler are just basically clueless.