Methadone Abuse: Why Are There So Many Commercials on Tv Putting Pot Down and None for Alcohol or Crack ? Whats Worse Lol?
Question by badboy11904: why are there so many commercials on tv putting pot down and none for alcohol or crack ? whats worse lol?
we have crack addicts and alcoholics but there is no mention of those on tv! whats up with this world? its ok to rob. sell their bodys for crack and everything the “heroin addicts did”. same with alcoholism…drunk drivers killing themselves and others but they get away with it! we have medical uses for pot but none for alcohol or crack! whats the govt. thinking! oh…thats right “they dont think!” i say “sopport your state for pot laws for medical use and limited personal use!” im in ny and they just turned down a law in the senate for pot use for medical . yet they allow methadone morphine to be used for pain management when its been proven that pot will do the same without the addictions and dangerouse side effects from “so called pain management using opiates…addicting opiates”. we allow people to become alcoholics and knowingly commit murder by allowing the abuse!” man i could go on and on but not enough room!” sopport your state and your beliefs”change the laws!”
Best answer:
Answer by Izzy N
Because they can’t tax it.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Methadone Abuse: U.S. high school opens drug clinic
NEW YORK (Reuters Life!) – An in-school drug and alcohol abuse clinic is opening at a public high school in New York, the first of its kind in the state and possibly in the United States, treatment advocates said.
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Methadone Abuse: Public high school opens precedent-setting drug clinic
NEW YORK (Reuters) – An in-school drug and alcohol abuse clinic is opening at a public high school on Long Island, the first of its kind in New York state and possibly in the nation, treatment…
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Nice rant…
I agree…and I already do.
BUT…until the prohibitionist realize that prohibition works on drugs as well as it did on alcohol…nothing will be done.
There is too much money to be made with drugs being illegal.
Well, you have to consider most crack addicts have either taken their TVs apart (there are no reasons why they do this) or sold them for more crack. Pot has a perception of being a soft drug, and the whole ‘gateway drug’ campaign has made it worse. I know people who moved on to harder drugs because they said, and I quote ‘I’ve already don’t the gateway drug I should do more’.
They know they are wrong but they are cowards trying to get a promotion so they suck up to their ‘superiors’, however they are our leaders so . . . . question is . . . . what are WE going to do about it ?!!!
I trust my long gone grandma more than a president, so if she said smoking was ok, its OK !
For thousands of years humans have survived, but not for long it seems as we are at the last days…… but we wernt in the 1970’s.
Its all b u l l s h i t
NATURAL DRUGS ARE GOOD FOR YOU !!! so says Jesus Christ. It’s the truth
Nothing in the following should be taken as advocacy of drug use. Possessing small amounts of marijuana can result in prison sentences. Breaking such laws is not in one’s own self-interest.
I strongly agree, in part because strict laws against possessing small quantities of marijuana have swelled the prison population, and take a large portion of black males out of the electorate.
I also agree because light marijuana use–when you don’t drink and you don’t operate a vehicle for at least four hours afterward, is not harmful.
I also agree because the Baby Boomer population has allowed lies and a lack of scientific data to become law and to waste the time of public schools students forced to sit through brainwashing sessions on drugs, when they could be learning something useful.
This is despite the fact that by 1972, two-thirds of all young people had at least experimented with pot.
There is growing support for decriminalization. But it will take a long time and a lot of work.
Go to Stop the Drug War for more information.
I don’t enjoy pot anymore, but because I know the effects of it, I AM a better judge on it’s usefulness, right???
I think the major reason pot keeps getting passed by as a GOOD medicine, is due to the politicians who literally know NOTHING about it!! We have all these super straight “suits” scared to death if pot gets the go ahead there will be crazy stoned out hippies running the world. Their IGNORANCE is hurting everyone, BUT we cannot force them to listen – yet. We need more really good smart people to join the fight.
As for ALCOHOL, in my book, it is just as bad if not worse than PCP. I was SO angry to see booze ads on billboards and TV again!!!! And it is true there is too much money being made off hard dope to compete by fighting it – anyway, I’m with ya –