Methadone Abuse: What Are the Best Home Remedies for Heroin Detox?
Question by RJP: What are the best home remedies for heroin detox?
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Methadone Abuse: Man Peppersprayed at Methadone Clinic , Moncton
Codiac RCMP respond to the methadone clinic on High Street this morning around 10:25AM for a man that was sprayed with pepperspray. Police brought the man outside to wait for the Ambulance to arrive. Paramedics checked the man, but he wasn’t transported to hospital but was placed in the back seat of a patrol car. Police took names of people that were at the clinic investigating what happened.
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Bobby? !!
? this one has cameras trust even has a camera in the bathroom!
well said!?
WRONG!!! you have never been addicted to opiates have you? I? wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy ! Its the worst feeling in the world!
it is the same in moncton…
this is one of the private clinics..they? have to go get their drink there..there is a government one in the detox clinic.we go to get our drinks ata pharmacy..i think its much better and has a better success rate, in my opinionall the stuff u said u guys have to do we do too…ie cameras, sign things, ect.
they have these places for ppl who want and need help.yeah so what theres some ppl who try to work the system and f%@# it up for every1 else, but doesnt that happen everywhere? if? ppl r trying to make a change for the better in life, why the hell would ucriticize them.for ur info methadone does not get you blocks other opiates from getting you high…you just dont get sick for 24-48 i suggest u get your facts straight bud!meth saved my life!been clean for 2 yearsnow
this is second video ive seen on this same clinic…. it looks like a normal house a shady looking one where ud buy drugs… here in nfld the methadone clinics r? real pharmacys,, shopper lawtons e tc…. u have to sighn paper saying u wont start fights or even fight at a methadoen clinic even in self defense…ur alwasy on camera… and its a normal pharmacy iitd be less dangerous and less incidents if it was same in moncton
hey whoever it is thats runnin their mouth about methadone gettin u high n some fucktard that told you…you guys really need to get your facts straight before you put stuff like that online, i know many peoples on methadone and theyre no drug addicts anymore in fact theyre doin better? than any junky would ever be, theyre no dif than you n me…. well not so much you, youre ignorant for commenting shit like you did so if anything someone on methadone is far BETTER THAN YOU!!!
theyre not ignorant
if you want to critisize people go critisize someone else or say it to? my face. my name is ashley mawson and i live in moncton. who the fuck are you anyways.
im on the methadon and been? on it 4 years now and clean since the day i got on. and you dont get high some people go on to high of a does so it makes them sleepy and some people like that. if they would just go on a does they only need they wounldnt go on the nod.
people want to know? where these methadone clinics are, why the hell do they have places like this is beyond me , just a big joke, more popping up , go into a drug store and you have to wait in line so everyone can drink there happy juice. Person told me that when you do the methadone gets you high for 24 hours alot higher then they would get on the drugs they are trying to get off of. Makes sense. LOL