I Am Going to the Psychiatrist This Thursday I Have Bi-Polar What Are the Best Meds to Be Ask to Be Put On?
Question by vicki2220002003: I am going to the psychiatrist this thursday I have Bi-Polar what are the best meds to be ask to be put on?
I have insomnia and I dont eat…I dont want to gain weight for any meds…I am also on Methadone…Please serious answers only…I really want to know what to ask for…right now I m in a manic state…Thank You All
Best answer:
Answer by jeeperamyjo
Ask about Lamictal
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Methadone Symptoms: How to Detox off of Methadone with Dr Rodriquez and Delray Center
Detoxing off of Methadone “Lets talk about detoxing off of Methadone. This process is not widely known and had seemed rather mysterious for many many years, Now part of this is due to that Methadone is different then regular opiates in its chemical action on the brain. That has an effect in how the withdrawal symptoms manifest and it certainly has an effect in how the detox is preformed. To attempt to detox off of Methadone as somebody would detox off of any conventional opiate would lead to a lot of discomfort and a difficult time usually ending treatment failure. So that technique or process is discouraged, people can detox off Methadone but certain precautions and certain added steps are necessary. It is possible to come straight off of Methadone onto Suboxone with a certain intermediary process. One option there is a conversion to a different pain medication, and the after a certain period of time, and that time would be determined by the physician. The person can then try a Subutex or Suboxone induction. A Subutex or Suboxone induction coming directly off of Methadone is also possible but involves much more skill and is much more difficult. This could only be attempted by a physician who is highly experienced in this process. In general Methadone detox is too complicated for anybody to try out there own at home and should really be left to healthcare professionals that are experienced in this process. But certainly Methadone detox is possible, it can be done safely …
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The best way is to be absolutely honest with your psychiatrist and let him figure out the best meds for you. After all the psychiatrist has spent 10 years to specialize. Its the psychiatrists job to find what works for you.
Discuss the meds with your psychiatrist & express your concerns, but you have to eat. Most meds need to be taken with food.
I was on zyprexa and it worked for me, and you didn’t have to get regular lab draws for it. The disadvantage of it is it can stop the part of the brain that tells you when your full. So you seem more hungry. That didn’t happen for me, but it can. Others I know of are Depakote and Lithium both I think you need regular blood draws for.
why dont you take it up with your doctor, not a bunch of strangers on fricken yahoo anwers
just tell your doctor all of your symptoms like insomnia and no appetite and he will know the best meds for those symptoms and for your bipolar..he would know what is the best for you just by speaking to you i don’t think you need to suggest anything
Lithium and Depakote are both good drugs in their own ways depending on your age and the types of swings you deal with. Getting started on Depakote is a bit harder and you need to take some other meds with it at first that have some really unpleasant side effects, but once it’s built up into your system and the other drugs are weaned back off, it works well. Lithium has been around much longer and can be used by younger people (teens and up) with great success.
I see one person recommended Lamictal, that’s a mood stabilizer, I have been on Depakote too. I’m bi-polar. I am currently taking Lamictal, Lexapro, Wellbutrin, and Trazadone. This combination has worked well for me for past few years. The only time I had a problem was when I stopped taking them, then I went into a manic state, then depression, I attempted suicide and am now back on those drugs and doing good. I will need to take meds the rest of my life, you may too. The doctor is the best person to manage your disease. I have never had a problem with drugs or alcohol, so be honest with your doctor, completely honest if you want help with your demons.
Lamictal has really helped me, but tell your dr. about your issues and he will prescribe what is best for you.
first and foremost /U / do not decide /what u r going to be put on /talk to him /and follow his recommendations / good luck
i am speaking from my own experiences. i have been “bi-polar” since i was 19yrs. i am now 52yrs. i have fully functioned in daily life most of this time. i hold 2 state licenses in the in the state of ill. and have 2 grown teenagers. i believe that my recovery is attributed to listening to the Dr’s., going to the support groups, and staying a positive as i can. i am making this sound easy, however, only speaking for myself, i needed to take my recovery “one day at a time.” i also, read and learned as much as i could about this disorder, ( and still do) i let the Dr’s. tell me what is best. that is determined by “my symptoms” how am i sleeping, how are my eating habits, am i having racing thoughts, am i more depressed than overly happy,…. i have found each of us have differ ant “triggers” and differ ant symptoms. how much exercise, and being with people is important to my recovery too. i hope this helps. kisses
I am low level bipolar and I take topomax for mood stabilization also you don’t eat as much and ambiem for sleep. However if you do not have insurance ambiem is like 158.00 a month do not know abot the topomax like 80.00 so help is not cheap. The doc needs to know about the methadone because you could easily have a drug interaction and you do not want to be put on anything that might trigger illicit drug use.
I dont reccomend Lamictal, I got a really bad rash from it, but it only happens to some, I tried Topomax and it makes food taste weird,kinda numbs the front part of your tongue and if your a soda drinker forget it, tastes awful!!I am trying Geodon and Neurontin right now, seems to be working for me. Just talk with your Doctor and let them know your concerns,,it takes awhile to figure out what works, I have been trying now for years. I wish you the best,,,,,
I can tell u some of the side effects I experienced. Ziprexa gave me a seizure. Depacote caused dried out hair and it fell out. It grew back when I stopped taking it. Zoloft caused swelling in the face. Seroquel caused severe nightmares.
I have good luck with Wellbutrin. It leaves me energized, in constant motion, getting things done.
Of course each person is different in their reactions to medications. I also have good luck with Abilifi (I don’t have the letter before z on the computer so I can’t spell it right). The problem is it costs $ 600 per bottle for the month, so u have to be on state aid to afford it.
U have to become a human experiment, taking different meds until u find the right one for u. It took me a long time. Good Luck!
is this guy knowing what is? talking about or is just reading from a teleprompter?
This is sirious !
Wow THANK GOD for? this video. Get on suboxone to avoid methadone withdrawal… What an ingenious plan. Fuckin idiot.
is it true that methadone effects your cognition and brian’s ability to remember things? Ive been on it for less than a year.. Trying to get off of it by dropping 5mg a week.. i have not felt sick, but cant stop sleeping -_- i have codiene and im wondering if its possible to switch to? codiene soon… I am currently on 25mg… I am aware that the dropping is getting harder on my body the lower i got.. i feel like i cant think straight sometimes. I am wondering if the codiene switch would work?
Guys, completely stop your stuttering does not have to be difficult (I used to feel it did). I’ll give you some advice right now. Look for system called Stutterolax Secrets (do a search on google). Seriously,I? finally eliminated my stuttering problem for good by using Stutterolax Secrets.
Thank Doc for an awesome information on that..?
I learned a lot from your interesting topics which are getting discussed. It really is my delight to check out along with figured? out items along with information of this video.
You got to withdraw step by step to a very low dose and then jump off, that’s the only way it works.
I can’t believe that people withdrew from 240mg/d and say they feel fine just after a month. A sudden withdrawal from such a high dose could even be life threatening and sure enough one would feel the symptomes (aches in the belly? and bones, sleeplessness, weakness) for month.
I withdrew in several steps; – generally between 33% and 25% of the dose in one single step. It worked well but took time
Appreciate this informative video. That is certainly almost all I could state. Anyone most surely have made this upload into a gift. You clearly know very well what what you are doing,? you’ve protected countless angles. Thanks!
pls ca u answer m…i detoxed from 240 35 days ago…and now i feelig great..i feel fine,,i? just haveing 3 popo everyday////tey notsolid like befo but they not normal…everythig iss perfect but my sleppp ad my popo ////can u give me an idea ow log until ill be fix>>> i went cold turkey from 240 with clonidin only…..i truly fee was more eas then oxy detox
You have to be realistic, hallucinogens are not for everyone, and Ibogain, is not without risks… I think it’s much easier and safer to just use cannabis, vitamins and? perhaps an organic paleolithic diet, to get free from opiates.
I take methadone, I dropped from 85ml, to 3ml (very very slowly, I took 2-4 weeks to adjust to each 1 ml drop), I am super excited that I will soon be free of opiates. And I agree with MrChrisCompton, smoking some medical cannabis (I have my medical marijuana card) is VERY helpful with both detoxing and getting the methadone to last at low doses. I do not smoke cannabis everyday, except? for when going through a detox, and it is very effective, it helps me get sleep, and takes the edge off.
Smoke a joint of strong cannabis – It will affect your dose in terms of how you ‘feel it’. But the? best way to let Methadone work is to : Take it regularly – get on a dose THAT WORKS even if it’s a high dosage – Eat properly so your jungle juice doesn’t hit an empty stomach (or eat a small meal right after dosing) Finally – Use cannabis – the most beneficent plant on this Earth…Good Luck
Is he reading a teleprompter ?!?!?! wow
I have an idea……….
How about getting off all? these damn prescribtion drugs with a natural illegal root called ibogaine? End it all within in 72 hours! Visit my page and watch my videos, and become aware of your choices. YES YOU ALL CAN BE FREE ….
i pitty you guys because? even without insurrance they should give you methadone.here in the netherlands we get methadone always even if you are not insured.oh boy i wish i could do something to help you guys over there.live really sucks when i hear you guys talk about issues like that.good luck anyways.
you have to pay? for methadone?
subboxone is terrible.i felt like a zombie.we call it temgesic but its not a big sukses over here.so i prefer staying on a low dose of pills.because it works much better.i have been off of heroin and cocaine for many many yrs now and all the people i? started with are all back on heroin and cocaine again.they all had a big mouth about me and look at them now.
The idea of a blind detox is to make the patient unaware of their dosage? in an attempt to reduce their mental impact on their state of withdrawal.We are taught to believe that withdrawal symptoms are inevitable regardless of our mental state. This is incorrect, quantum physics has been very clearn about this. Your mental state will affect EVERY symptom of your experience.
please only trust the “experts” the doctors are? the “experts” who get you on this crap, then they wanna prescribe more shit to get you off…. I went cold after being on ambien, xanax, percs, oxys and methadone for 12 years ………….i never trust any doctor simply because they are a doctor I much rather trust a nutritionist or ayurvedic educated individual …..the ego and arrogance associated with these jackasses is appalling.!!!
Doc?? Please tell me what i can do to help me feel my methadone in the? mornings when i take it…sometimes i can feel it more when i drink orange juice or even someone told me to take a pill of some kind and it helps the process throughout my body?? is this correct?
okay i know this has nothing to do with this topic but? the other night i took 16 benadryls i overdosed and my heart stoped but it started agian and i havent felt good ever since what should i do?
you need will power…! I? managed it at home… wasnt really pleasant but its definetly not impossible
Hello,Please stay positive..throw those voices from your head,you can do it! I did after 6yrs of methadone maint,but you have to want it more than anything.It’s ok to work on? you for a change,just you!Everything gets better as you get better and your brain awakens…If I can do it anyone can.Ask to BLIND DOSE if you can…god bless stay positive…..stay busy do something new.Hope this helps in some way.YOU CAN DO THIS!
hi i wanted to know what sort of headaches as am getting them to am on 90ml trying to taper? down everry forknight please get in touch thanks
good luck ok….i’m right behind you…i’m on 80? mg for a year and half now…cant keep affording this, I have to get off of it, not sure how though!